How can we protect ourselves from COVID-19?


COVID-19 a kind of virus, emerged in 'Wuhan' the city of China in December 2019. It has infected over 7,50000 people throughout the world. The death toll as of now, has reached more than 37,500 and maximum loss was recorded in Italy, Spain and Iran. 190+ countries are suffering from this deadly and destructive disease. Now, every country, has its own epicenter for COVID-19. It is spreading rapidly and is causing massive loss of human lives. It hasn't affected our health only, but our economic conditions are on the edge of unending disaster. Countries like: Italy, Spain, Iran, USA and China are no doubt best in terms of health facilities, but despite the fact they have been affected by the virus severely. Moreover, our developing countries like: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan should be worried about this sudden pandemic outbreak. Now, here the question arises as: How can we protect ourselves from COVID-19?  There are several preventive measures which our government should take to mitigate further loss. In Fact, every single person should follow the same. 

Measures to be taken by our government: ( Health Related Measures )

  • Government should test as many 'Symptomatic' people as possible. They should not only be concerned about those who have travel history. 
  • More and more Hospitals, Hotels, Schools and other public private building should be declared as COVID-19 special Quarantine centers.
  • Doctors, Nurses and other medical faculties should be equipped with best medical instruments.
  • Testing should be made accessible to all weaker and rich sections of the society.
  • Sanitation of red-zone areas should be done as early as possible.
  • Free masks should be made available for everyone throughout the country.
  • Special 24/7 helpline should be made for COVID-19 related queries.
  • Different awareness campaigns must be organized by the government at district and zonal level. 

Economic Measures:

  • According to some experts COVID-19 may cost USD 120 billion or 4% loss GDP to economy of India. It is a huge and massive loss and for that government should come up with a stimulus plan to prevent the companies and other stakeholders from falling in debt trap. Well-framed strategies should be made as soon as possible.
  • There are more than 30 crore daily wagers in India. So, government should provide them help and possible relief in order to save their dignified and respected lives. 
  • Interest on loans, EMI's should be revoked or waived till the recovery.

Measures to be taken by people:

  • The word panic creates pain. There is no need to be panic, but prevention is better than cure.
  • First priority, we should focus on is: Social Distancing and Crowded places. We should maintain social distancing and should avoid crowded places or religious gatherings.  
  • Stay Home and Stay Safe is the motive of W.H.O. (World Health Organization)
  • Everybody should consume healthy food or diet in order to boost immune system.
  • We must avoid alcohol, sugary drinks and smoking. 
  • On recommendations of W.H.O everybody should do physical activities to remain fit.
  • Maintaining safe distance from others.
  • We need to support our community and we should look after our neighbors and friends. (Especially Poor)
  • While staying at home we should read, write and play indoor games during this period. The great masterpieces in the form of books and thesis, emerged in times of Plagues. 
  • We must get information from authentic sources and avoid hoax.
  • We should wear mask and wash our hands frequently.
  • We must pray to Almighty, seek forgiveness and patience.
  • It is important to break the chain. We should listen to the advises provided by our elders or other concerned officials and we should help them to achieve this objective.
We all should stand tall and brave against this deadly epidemic! And we shall overcome someday...


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