Feeling Hopeless or Worthless? Are you feeling Worthless?


What is worthlessness? This term is not rare or we can say anonymous to us. We all are the victims of this sudden occurring feebleness. It can trigger our emotional, as well as physical balance. It can come anytime and can lower down your self-confidence, dedication and determination. Why it happens to us? Why it reduces our confidence level? The reasons are crystal clear and vivid before us. This very disease could occur during our developing years and it can change our thinking pattern after every episodes of life. Well, to maintain consistent thinking pattern and positivism is extremely a tough task for us. How it occurs? When we think that we can never achieve anything in life or when we call ourselves loser. These are some reasons of worthlessness. Now, we will discuss about it in detail. 

  • If someone calls you loser or incompetent:
This is something very strange and we may feel worthless when someone calls us loser and incompetent. To survive in today's world is very odious and tough job. It may occur at anytime and at any place; we can say at home, school or public places. Sometimes parents bring out their frustration on their children and they call them by names or saying you are not good or you are burden for us. This is common among those who belong to narcissist family or who are raised by narcissists. As we all know narcissism kills us more than a bullet or explosive items. Such people have no empathy or sympathy for others and they develop unending ignorance and harsh attitude.They exploit others to fulfill their needs. So, this is why, they are much harsh with their children. Parents turn against you on some known reasons like: Failure, joblessness, missed opportunities etc. but if you are able to find your negative side and you are able to bring out where are you wrong, you are then the master. Don't ever think about what others are saying, you know your worth not others. You know your capabilities, not others. So, why to feel worthless on such stupid thoughts. You are the master of your confidence, mind and heart. You are the driver and destination is in your hands. 

  •  If you think you are not good:
People living with such mentality are never considered successful. Calling yourself coward is a serious sin. If you feel that you are not good, then you must not act like human. We humans are rare creatures on Earth and we have that tendency to develop good in us. We have that potential to turn the tables. Life is all about ups and downs. Sometimes life is good with you and sometimes very bad. So, you need to learn them to overcome your hopelessness. Life, many a times comes up with lessons and it is we who never comprehend. We kept complaining about our problems and miseries. Loneliness, anxiety and social media use brings such elements in us and at last they become our inseparable friends. What to do in such times? Leave your stupidity for a while, try to bring a change. As you are the ruler or controller of your kingdom. Kings never feel betrayed or we can say defeated even after defeat or betrayal. They try to overcome mistakes and act smartly. So, same thing applies on you. You must follow the same trend. Don't look what others are saying, doing, eating etc. just pay full attention towards your own development. It is you who can transform you, not others around you. Younger generations are excessively and immensely struggling with their self-esteem and self-image because of social media and how they think they should be acting. So, be wise and smart!

  • Don't compare yourself with others:
Making comparison is bad! Trust me we get nothing by comparing ourselves with others. It may not bring any solace or calmness in you. Someday, you see your friend buying a new car and you turn on the 'Negativity' button inside you. Don't think about the car, just move on and one day you will get your own. So, stay positive and away from comparison. Don't consider that you aren't good or rich; be positive and think good. It will help you to boost your confidence and determination. If you commit yourself to being grateful about good moments in your life, you will be less vulnerable to comparisons and envy.

Don't be negative! Bring positive elements inside you; try to avoid bad moments of your life. Keep moving and one day you will be the ruler again. Spend your time with those who could help you to make a change or who could, by their efforts, bring change in you. Stay healthy and positive! 


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