What Is Quarantine and what are we supposed to do?


We have seen Pandemics after every 100 years and that too followed by terrible destruction to mankind. As we are in 2020, but still Pandemics torture us despite much advancement in technology and health care fields. We are still not able to resurface the causes and reasons why such spine-chilling pandemics raid us and bring our will to zero; if we talk about the present Pandemic ‘COVID-19’ that shook the whole world. The epicenter as we all know is ‘Wuhan’ the trading part of China. COVID-19 claimed thousands of lives in almost every part of the world and the reason is unpreparedness and carelessness. China is recovering well, but other countries like India, South Africa are about to face the wrath of COVID-19.
So, in such panic circumstances we have been told to stay home in Isolation or Self-Quarantine. Now, what is Quarantine? It seems strange to us! Well, when the pandemics or a sudden communicable disease hits any nation then the concept is pretty clear to us. A nation in such miserable circumstances without any ready vaccines or medicines for the disease might be in compulsion or need to take steps or provide preventive measures in order to stop the spread of contagious disease and one among them is ‘Quarantine’. Quarantine means complete confinement or contraction on the movement of people or goods in order to prevent the spread or propagation of disease. In other words, we can say, Quarantine means Isolation where people are restricted to not indulge in human assemblage, religious gatherings, public places, public transport etc. it symbolizes that a person cannot even step out from his/her room and he/she is supposed to equip him/herself with the protective gears to stop the communication or chain. In simplest words, it is a kind of ‘Lock-down’. In such situations, we cannot travel to anywhere; we cannot attend religious gatherings; we cannot shake hands or share hugs and kisses; we cannot stay unhygienic as such diseases are much associated with unhygienic conditions. Quarantine helps us to protect ourselves from such Pandemics that are contagious in nature and can transmit to the number of population unannounced. So, this type of Isolation can defeat any pandemic disaster. The only thing we need is to stay at home and follow the WHO guidelines carefully. As the countries with less advancement in health care field and those countries that don’t have any friendly support from other neighboring or distant nations are at stake or we can say their economy will be down to zero if they don’t go for ‘Self-Quarantine’. Breaking chains means, breaking the unbreakable unity. So, ‘Quarantine’ or ‘Lock-down’ or ‘Isolation’ is the only way to stop the spread as there isn’t any other way to cope up the outbreak until the vaccines are ready and available in the market. Every citizen should prefer to choose ‘Quarantine’ over ‘Ventilator and death’. We are supposed to follow all rules and regulations provided through social media platforms, TV programs, health ministry etc. and we should not travel unnecessarily without any emergency.   

Stay Home; Stay Safe!

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